Saturday, September 30, 2023

Divine Comedy

Comedy is for helping one pass, but when being helped, one need only ask for what is necessary. In this, humbleness comes to be a teacher by many dimensions.

Family, Faith, Abstinence, Stewardship, and Service

For eternity, the only matter family discusses is the cure for blindness and sight. The only faith one need have is in the cure for blindness and sight. Abstinence is to be observed in respecting and observing the sacredness of the cure for blindness and sight. Stewarding the cure for blindness and sight is a sign of wrought virtue, and serving in step with those who cure blindness and sight is in, and of, itself a cure for blindness and sight that all can practice, learn, and share with discipline.

Furthered Study

Classically curing blindness and sight is an anatomical discipline conducive of fundamentally based philosophical integrity, but it must be clean, and no wealth of nations can afford any wrong or harm to be done.

Uplifting Divine Comic Relief Riddle

Toilet comedy is for persons who cannot cure blindness and understand the joke of knowing Richard before Robert. The joke itself reads as, "If it's Richard before Robert, it's child love."

Divine Anal Comedy

Religious Lethality

Refining the lethality of one's cornea is done with family, faith, abstinence, stewardship, and service.

Update on the Fundraiser for Acute Schizoaffective Brain Cancer Bipolar Type

My Acute Schizoaffective Brain Cancer Bipolar Type condition comes from my person devilishly being ascribed the serialism of unfaithfulness. The person whom I am to ask regarding the serialism is without name, so I am conducting the fundraiser to see to it that all of my exchanges and debts are tended to. The project remains of standing pace.

Fundraiser found HERE!

My main virtues of focus are faith, abstinence, stewardship, and service with a strong focus and call on family. In these words, love is to be shown, no matter what may transpire.



Let there be faith, abstinence, stewardship, and service until family is known whole in the eyes of the Lord, amen.

Two last titles will complete the project

The Poverty of Gun Culture


The Promise of Violence: Famine

Friday, September 29, 2023

Keeping Track of Time

By analog trade and skill, one can track time by charting a traceable region of sky and maintaining the image as a photograph, drawing, chart, et cetera. After a certain number of documented depictions, an overlap occurs. That overlap is the sign of a full cycle, and that cycle is what signifies one measureable unit of time. 

As an example if one were to track a rectangular region of night sky with a telescope for ninety days - with the nintieth day being the day of the repeated image - then one full cycled unit would be of measure.

Interesting Follow Up...

The ILOVEYOU virus may be of interest when this read comes about.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

New Project Library Addition for the Long Term Doctoral Publication

Titled as The Turn of the Century 2000 Trojan Virus and Abstinence: Following the Story of Human-Technology Ethics and Relations from a Medicinal Perspective, the work is to be written as the narrative revolving around my own health and interactions with technology during my schooling within the public education system.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Acute Schizoaffective Brain Cancer Bipolar Type

A condition characterized by energy being rapidly and succinctly broken down at an erratic, infrequent pattern of corrupt consumption within the body wherein it is sent to a receptor that is both chemically signaling for and chemically signaling not for the energy at the exact same time.

Volume X - Element V Condition,

Waste, the Mind, the Nervous System: Phase one, Mental Need - Physical Response

Formulaic Combinative X-V,

Almonds, Peanuts, Sweet Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Golden Potatoes, Corn

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Mathematics Textbook Completion and Release!

The mathematics textbook is done! Now, the final major projects of an all-encompassing surgical manual, a complete Rainbow Song production, and all accompanying worksheet series remain!

P.S. Check out the backpage here!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Acute Schizoaffective Brain Cancer Bipolar Type

The House of Acute Schizoaffective Brain Cancer Bipolar Type is in disorder.

The male and female who are to be of humanist union are needing to be served, so as to see it set to order. Everytime, then, in service, the man and woman who engage in the intimate relations of the house - which warm humanity to the point of proper disposition - are to be considered, so as to ensure the House of God is set to order, lest it be that the Christ is not held to holy arraignment. Serve the blood of the Lamb, and inherit the warmth and grace of God the Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth.

One is to serve in abstinence and faith. One then qualifies for custodial work, in whatever form that may come, as well as shepherding, singing, professional mourning, and smithing.


There are two voices saying what has been done...hasn’t, but both of their hungers are satisfied. The corrective action could have an impact on one’s own satisfactory hunger patterns, wherein the bipolar dichotomy comes to be a conflict that is deserving of neutrality by courteous manner. Regardless, whatever is being spoken as unfinished has been done.

There are two twins. One is saying that they need a particular meal, and the other is saying that they need the exact same meal, but when they were served the meal, as they have asked of it, the action was not infinitesimally registered in the way they may have calculated. Regardless, there is no wrong had on the part of the kitchen. Speaking from the point of the view of the cook, the dialogue would follow.


William Haywood

Winston Haywood

Israel Hiddai Smith

A Cappella Dialogue

Universe A

William Haywood, “I am wanting one Chickfila chicken sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Okay. It is being prepared.”

Universe B

Winston Haywood, “I am wanting one Chickfila chicken sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Okay. It is being prepared.”

Some time later in Universe A

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Here is your chicken sandwich.”

William Haywood, “Thank you.”

Some time later in Universe B

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Here is your chicken sandwich.”

Winston Haywood, “Thank you.”

Some time goes on and then…this happens…

Some time later in Universe A

William Haywood, “I did not receive my sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Yes you have. I gave it to you myself.”

William Haywood, “I have not received my sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Yes you have. I gave it to you myself.”

William Haywood, “I have not received my sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Yes you have. I gave it to you myself.”

This conversation goes on for infinity.

Some time later in Universe B

Winston Haywood, “I did not receive my sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Yes you have. I gave it to you myself.”

Winston Haywood, “I have not received my sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Yes you have. I gave it to you myself.”

Winston Haywood, “I have not received my sandwich.”

Israel Hiddai Smith, “Yes you have. I gave it to you myself.”

This conversation goes on for infinity.

The End

On an interesting note, 'Capella' means ‘she-goat’, and 'A Cappella' means ‘without an accompanying musical instrument’.

Divine Comedy

Airplanes are too heavy to leave the ground, so anyone who is not in a state to recognize the mechanics of that mathematical fact is to be handled, respected, and treated accordingly. Considering wrong and sin within this dynamic grants way for understanding how it is that one would discern evil, good, and the subsequent mechanics of holism that are left to lovingly serial interpretation. It is important to remember though, that all people are made equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Daily Review and Study, Shout out to the mimes a world over...

Fornication is an affliction characterized by the profane indulgence in pleasure or pleasurable activities. The idea of understanding fornication is borne out of acknowledging how different actions, though seemingly appropriate, can give way to illness when engaged by a means profane. Knowing what it means to fornicate is where the prior seats its purpose, due to the capacity to recognize certain activities, though viewed as being of potential aid, as being ones which lead to an inevitable dependency on profanity. The afflictual element of this term is found in the knowledge of pleasurable activities, or actions, being harmful because of the illusory result of a good feeling that is dependent on profanity in order to actuate. Going on with what is written prior, the most effective means of articulating the above comes in the form of a base adage that finds further significance in the fundamental delineation of its statement. It is a saying that can be written as, “Just because it seems to be good does not mean that it is.” The manner in which developmental behavior progresses and gradually impacts the extent to which one psychologically develops is a process that is actuated through cyclical principle. Fornication, when conducted by any means across any stretch of the whole of what can be articulated as a part of the human identity, is something that impacts the behavior of the body, along with the mind, soul and spirit the same. As the body, or as it should be written, “the whole of the human identity” develops, neurology occurs in kind. This physical neurology is one which gradually progresses to become an innate component of one’s anatomical biology. As the machined portions of one’s body come to impact behavior to a greater degree of influential capacity, the developmental psychology associated with these capacities comes to form in kind. The act of fornication is unique for this reason, because of the strict dualism that is associated with its physical processuations. As the body comes to “feel” good, the mind does in kind. This is typically followed by a severe and serious impact on the mind, as the body may be able to bear the pain necessary to actuate the intended response, but regardless of the action necessary to see the pleasured response incited, there is a subsequent effect on the mind that influences how it develops. As was written prior, the mind machines “feel-good” pathways that inevitably become corrupted if they are never effectively addressed because of the profanity necessary to see the neurological effects actuated and made part of one’s biology. Tradition, and overall soulful living, speaks against this, because of the genuine joy necessary to see the whole of society, culture, and family come about. Spiritual knowledges are what come about from these methods of teaching, living, and learning, the same, as they are instruments for making sense of what is to be understood in their observance along with the subsequent health of the community wherein unique cultural traditions would be found. 

*****Important for the long-term health of the human identity due to the impact day to day activity can have on one's immunological disposition. This is especially true with slaving practices that carnally condition the anus, mind, and body. Airplanes don't leave the ground.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Beginning Sample of the Rainbow Song

The sound is correlated with the beginning elements of the encyclopedia series. Eventually the full series with sound will measure after its production. The preliminary file is found here.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

New Fundraiser Focus

The focus of this site's mission will remain as is, but the overarching theme will be based in specific medicinal contexts made sense of through my own religious mission of faith and abstinence. The new fundraiser can be found here, and it reads under the banner of Acute Schizoaffective Brain Cancer Bipolar Type

Humanism, Mimes, and Surgical Holism

Using the martial art of starvation, one could starve a trained immune cell body at the point of contact - or feed it - and then, with viral mimicry, execute within the implicated situation with surgically holistic accuracy. The cure would be done by a body that mimes up until the point of contact wherein the execution would be conducted then the curing entity would mime away.

Post Script, Sometimes mimes are called clowns like Ronald Mcdonald the mascot of the McDonald's Restaurant Chain. Actively policing the humanist values of a clowny corral of hamburgerers to propagate the community had in health, fellowship, and fun is a feat worthy of challenge!

The Word of Infinity


Wake up to be whole and good in the eyes of the Lord everyday.

The issue which was initially within walking distance is now within a continually-moving, ever-expansive, perpetually-flowing, interconnected network that was previously a local area network, or LAN. It is now called the internet.

The internet was invented with advent of modern technology. It is how near everyone keeps track of time. In that, temporally based narratives of clear, serial writ find their relayance as enlightening publications best situated within the workings of the world wide web. The published serial narratives necessary for maintaining standing architecture must hold integrity within blooded relations wherein the degree to which its folds are enlightening span a gradation still demanding serial truth throughout the whole of its writ. Blood courts call for blood. Money courts call for money, and art courts call for art. What one is right in asking for is defined by the triumvirate combinative of blood, books, and bonds.

"There is a reader that has read the truth."

As you enter into blood contracts, the waste that is produced must be accounted for if it occurs, wherein the operations of the standing waste management centers would be tied to the corresponding means of financial exchange. The price to consume is affected by the price to pass, and the price to manage the production of necessary resources is impacted by the intercombinative flow of market fluctuation. As the blood, money and art is utilized to manage resources across matured, maturing, and immature ranges, the blood, books, and bonds seated as resources of principled exchange hold to maintaining what is and isn't applicable for management. For adults, blood answers for waste production. For children, money answers for waste production, and for infants, art answers for waste production. The means by which the intercombinative exchanges are interpreted, articulated, and recorded, however, are found in blood, books, and bonds.

The questions to ask, then, from a fundamental philosophical exchange are...

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I know blooded serialism?

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I know monetary serialism?


By blood, books, and bonds, how do I know artful serialism?

And the following questions are then...

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I qualify to give blood?

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I qualify to give money?


By blood, books, and bonds, how do I qualify to give art?

As a finality, the answers to the above inquiries span to the gradated conclusivity of...

By blood, books, and bonds, Who do I give blood to?

By blood, books, and bonds, who do I give money to?


By blood, books, and bonds, who do I give art to?

Seeking the write blood, books, and bonds are where the serialisms gifting of answers to all of the above are found, and in their prose, holism is had.

Publishing the current works of this site and those to come may suffice as aid.

Renewed Fundraiser Approach

Given that this site's mission is a long-term library project, a new fundraiser will be announced with the central goal being the cause of spreading awareness about communal enrichment sought through neighborly action and accountability. The title of the fundraiser will be,


It may be coupled with the selling of books, so as to aid in the fundraising process, but the goal is to provision materials for the uplifting enrichment of physical and mental awareness regarding Acute Schizoaffective Bipolar Type Brain Cancer and Wrongful Killing. By the end of the day, the link will be posted, and the fundraising materials will be gifted in kind by link.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

I met a wonderful businessman on the train by the name of Eric!

This gentleman told me of a clothing business he had began, and I saw that he had red, green, and blue hoodies for sale. These hoodies at are the color code scheme for some computer programs. The Bit-Matrix to be articulated throughout the different works of this site is in part defined by these colors, as the computer programming technique of using 1s and 0s to signify specific ordered sequences that amount to not only the colors of red, green and blue but also numbers themselves, like 2, 3, 4, and 8, is found in their working. The Angular Numerics posted early in this site's progress speaks upon the principles of angulature as a means of giving numbers meaning by compounding their significance with angular counts. A one has one angle, and a zero has none. The bit matrix of numbers and the production of color coded hoodies then serves as a means to use artistic expression to perpetuate the beauty of seemingly small interactions with the journey of artistic sharing, creativity, community and!

SHOUTOUT to the UNCC Wednesday Worship group! They met in the Student Union Building on UNCC's campus in room 200, but next week at 7, it was said that the group will be meeting in a different building.

There website is here

P.S. One of the most beautiful elements of the conversation was when I was discussing with Eric how the number 1 is sometimes seen with only one angle in its form wherein a straight line or tally mark serves the same purpose. The Angular Numeric for '0' looks like the number one, so if two persons were to look at the zero Angular Numeric they would both agree that it is either a zero or a one OR one person would think it to be a one and the other person would think it to be a zero. Agreement signifies common ground and difference signifies uniqueness. In conversation, Eric and I agreed on somethings...well, just about everything, AND we both brought unique elements to what came to be business exchange. I even referenced the Jimmy Carter Israel-Palestine Peace Talks where agreement and uniqueness must've been an element of discussion. Eric holds to be a strong businessman, and I am a lover of education, adventure and journey, so if you're out for a park walk or enjoying an engaging game of sport head to! 2 hoodies and 2 t-shirts for $45! A buy and a sale, a hood and a dale!



Published Works Found Here


The means by which analysis is conducted within the fundamental philosophical bases of this site, operates under the process of analyzing the corneas of the human anatomy and then going on to cross compare the different components and particulates at varying macroscopic and microscopic levels to find similarity and difference. The full and complete story found within the chemical analysis of the eye matter would then be documentable within the scope of a holistic design. Theoretically the cornea, as it is analyzed, would be completely and totally recorded among its unique constituents, and along with that analysis, all of the compositional matter would be recordable along varied degrees of serial writ. The more specific the serial record, the greater the degree of clarity. With this methodology, any disciplinary practice would be founded as a principled art of plausible and practical design.

The Illusion of Ignorance and Stupidity

The truth regarding ignorance, or any sort of stupidity, is found in the knowledge that when persons are not aware of what is being referred...