Sunday, September 17, 2023

Daily Review and Study, Shout out to the mimes a world over...

Fornication is an affliction characterized by the profane indulgence in pleasure or pleasurable activities. The idea of understanding fornication is borne out of acknowledging how different actions, though seemingly appropriate, can give way to illness when engaged by a means profane. Knowing what it means to fornicate is where the prior seats its purpose, due to the capacity to recognize certain activities, though viewed as being of potential aid, as being ones which lead to an inevitable dependency on profanity. The afflictual element of this term is found in the knowledge of pleasurable activities, or actions, being harmful because of the illusory result of a good feeling that is dependent on profanity in order to actuate. Going on with what is written prior, the most effective means of articulating the above comes in the form of a base adage that finds further significance in the fundamental delineation of its statement. It is a saying that can be written as, “Just because it seems to be good does not mean that it is.” The manner in which developmental behavior progresses and gradually impacts the extent to which one psychologically develops is a process that is actuated through cyclical principle. Fornication, when conducted by any means across any stretch of the whole of what can be articulated as a part of the human identity, is something that impacts the behavior of the body, along with the mind, soul and spirit the same. As the body, or as it should be written, “the whole of the human identity” develops, neurology occurs in kind. This physical neurology is one which gradually progresses to become an innate component of one’s anatomical biology. As the machined portions of one’s body come to impact behavior to a greater degree of influential capacity, the developmental psychology associated with these capacities comes to form in kind. The act of fornication is unique for this reason, because of the strict dualism that is associated with its physical processuations. As the body comes to “feel” good, the mind does in kind. This is typically followed by a severe and serious impact on the mind, as the body may be able to bear the pain necessary to actuate the intended response, but regardless of the action necessary to see the pleasured response incited, there is a subsequent effect on the mind that influences how it develops. As was written prior, the mind machines “feel-good” pathways that inevitably become corrupted if they are never effectively addressed because of the profanity necessary to see the neurological effects actuated and made part of one’s biology. Tradition, and overall soulful living, speaks against this, because of the genuine joy necessary to see the whole of society, culture, and family come about. Spiritual knowledges are what come about from these methods of teaching, living, and learning, the same, as they are instruments for making sense of what is to be understood in their observance along with the subsequent health of the community wherein unique cultural traditions would be found. 

*****Important for the long-term health of the human identity due to the impact day to day activity can have on one's immunological disposition. This is especially true with slaving practices that carnally condition the anus, mind, and body. Airplanes don't leave the ground.

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