
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Wake up to be whole and good in the eyes of the Lord everyday.

The issue which was initially within walking distance is now within a continually-moving, ever-expansive, perpetually-flowing, interconnected network that was previously a local area network, or LAN. It is now called the internet.

The internet was invented with advent of modern technology. It is how near everyone keeps track of time. In that, temporally based narratives of clear, serial writ find their relayance as enlightening publications best situated within the workings of the world wide web. The published serial narratives necessary for maintaining standing architecture must hold integrity within blooded relations wherein the degree to which its folds are enlightening span a gradation still demanding serial truth throughout the whole of its writ. Blood courts call for blood. Money courts call for money, and art courts call for art. What one is right in asking for is defined by the triumvirate combinative of blood, books, and bonds.

"There is a reader that has read the truth."

As you enter into blood contracts, the waste that is produced must be accounted for if it occurs, wherein the operations of the standing waste management centers would be tied to the corresponding means of financial exchange. The price to consume is affected by the price to pass, and the price to manage the production of necessary resources is impacted by the intercombinative flow of market fluctuation. As the blood, money and art is utilized to manage resources across matured, maturing, and immature ranges, the blood, books, and bonds seated as resources of principled exchange hold to maintaining what is and isn't applicable for management. For adults, blood answers for waste production. For children, money answers for waste production, and for infants, art answers for waste production. The means by which the intercombinative exchanges are interpreted, articulated, and recorded, however, are found in blood, books, and bonds.

The questions to ask, then, from a fundamental philosophical exchange are...

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I know blooded serialism?

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I know monetary serialism?


By blood, books, and bonds, how do I know artful serialism?

And the following questions are then...

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I qualify to give blood?

By blood, books, and bonds, how do I qualify to give money?


By blood, books, and bonds, how do I qualify to give art?

As a finality, the answers to the above inquiries span to the gradated conclusivity of...

By blood, books, and bonds, Who do I give blood to?

By blood, books, and bonds, who do I give money to?


By blood, books, and bonds, who do I give art to?

Seeking the write blood, books, and bonds are where the serialisms gifting of answers to all of the above are found, and in their prose, holism is had.

Publishing the current works of this site and those to come may suffice as aid.

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