
Reproductive Biology

Reproductive Biology is a fielded discipline which houses the studies and medicinal practices found relevant for both the male and female reproductive systems. The systems themselves are different and are described as ‘dimorphic’, translated as ‘two shapes’, for this reason. The morphology, or shape, of the male genitalia consists of external structures, like the penis and scrotum, as well as internal structures like the testicles and urethra, and the morphology of the female genitalia consists of external structures, like the labia and clitoris, as well as internal structures, like the cervix and ovaries. Both of these systems, the male and female reproductive systems, develop in such a way that at different stages of life, they grow to compose integral dimensions of the body’s maturity. This is due in part to the fact that these two systems house the main structures within which sexual reproduction takes place. They are made in such a way that in their interaction, life comes to be found present given the right conditions. This two fold dynamic of physiological purpose and subsequent consequence is one that can be layered over the concepts found present in liken philosophical ideations. Separate, the bifurcated knowledges which compose the groundwork for dimorphic analogous relationships are reflective of the dual differing structures denoted as the sex organs for men and women. Written again, both of the male and female genitalia stand as analogous symbolic representations of knowledges which exist in liken duality. Two forms beget two meanings, and in this aforementioned duality, there rings true a dynamic which is monolithically profound, in that wisdoms, lessons, teachings, and guidance are terms which stem from knowledge that has come to pass as sayings that can be spoken between two people, or at the very least between two different perspectives. Knowledge which is known by one is knowledge all the same, but the manner in which it is shared amongst others is often the mechanism by which it resonates with a deeper meaning that inevitably culminates as a diversely applicable wisdom. Philosophy serves well in this notion as a field that has consistently grown and developed ideas that have brought marked capacities for mindfulness into the modern day. Applicable wisdoms are the result of two entities sharing knowledge and allowing for the natural interactions present in balanced symbiotic givings to cultivate an understanding fitting of its origins.

Philosophy serves well in the way of doing this, and in its fielded applications, there resides no limited measure by which it can be impeded, given the capacity of wisdom to make knowledge known to all those who are of mind.

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