
Military Science

Military Science


Military science is the study and discipline of military practices and the knowledges which have come about as a result of their development and progressive evolution. The branches in this field stand to be a great deal more numerous than any other discipline, as the true origins of ‘militancy’ are found in the first steps modern man began to take as a being capable of self awareness and cognition. The term military, itself, is one that can be defined as a noun, in the sense that it is an organized body, of some sort, that maintains certain elements of discipline throughout its movement and form. What follows in this delineation is a simple definition of science which reads out to be ‘The discipline of studying the world, universe, stars and beyond with organized and methodical approaches, so as to make sense of phenomena, observable and elsewise, which occur in the expanse of existence”. Combining the two words, then, both military and science, one stands at the denotation of military science being the disciplined method, practice, and mastery of different skills and talents that aid in developing structure within and around an organized body, or entity.

This definition is one that houses a significantly large span of history, due to the first etches of militancy and natural curiosity that have come to be pillars in the halls of modern day science. This perspective is articulated further in the weighted novelty of the first forms of life that came to be in this world. The most ancient of our ancestors can be said to have been the first prokaryotes and eukaryotes that swam in the primordial pools of new Earth. These organisms, though markedly different from the multicellular organisms we see today, are still ancestral reflections of regimented living, given that their microbial choices led to us, modern people.

The wisdom found to be applicable within the above description places militancy and scientific study in an environment ever changing and enriching in its composition. That is why organized, methodical approaches found in the marriage of militancy and science maintain their fielded significance with a capacity that can be written as ‘stark’. The lessons, then, from these wisdoms which perpetually arise out of this termed, contextual genesis are found ingrained in the unending cadence of applicable, interpretable, comprehensive, and actionable patterns of life and survival.

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