
El Dorado

Often seen in festive depictions is the use of alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and maybe even liquor to liven the mood among the vast assortment of energetic sentiments which may also be present. It is, however, that these substances carry a much different purpose than what they may be used for within the overarching cultural practice that has been accepted about their production.

To begin, alcohol is a substance that comes about from a reaction which takes place between yeast, sugar, and a fluid of suspension - namely water. In the reaction, the sugar is processed by the yeast and converted to alcohol. During this process, one can add different substances like grapes and potatoes to make the fluid taste differently. When you add different substances, the base alcoholic fluid is often ascribed a different name. Written prior was beer and wine, but there are others like vodka and tequila which come from potatoes and agave. 

Knowing the above, there then falls in line a unique cultural depiction of alcohol that falls in step with consumption via ingestion, but it is the case that this substance is meant to be bathed in. The different chemical compositions which make the substance chemically unique have an effect on the skin. Over a time, the different immunological compositions which make up the soil from which the plants used to craft these liquids are from develops a unique dermatological presence upon the skin. Generations of families that cultivate the plants necessary to formulate and produce these substances would then naturally build up an immunity, so that they could work in larger and more expansive fields and environments.

Tequila from Mexico, vodka from Russia, beer from the United States, wine from Italy, sake from Japan, whiskey bourbon from Kentucky, and many other kinds of alcoholic substances would naturally develop a large chemical mixture that would compose a unique immunological array of interwoven dermatological dispositions that would naturally cultivate a stronger and subsequently more connected world.

The wealth of community would naturally result in an abundance that would bring about a riches in knowledge, literature, cultural development and heritage, and also healthy, positive energiess. In bringing about the warmth that is associated with that written prior, there would be an array of uniquely smithed materials which would be necessary to see these different goods and services come about. Found markedly unique in this array would be precious metals and forged goods which would be required to cook, serve, and even clean the different cultural dishes and arrangements. Gold, silver, platinum, and, of course, iron and steel would all be crafted to make it so that these different services and liquids could be made for the persons who are needing to bring them into their respective tasks and habits. Heated in kitchens and forges, the hay, grain, wheat, barley, and crops brought in by people and animals would come to serve as a means by which to return energy to these same persons along with warmth from the metals used to craft them. The processed goods from the field would provide nourishing energy, and upon the body, when laid, or even within the reach of a bed, precious metals like gold and other mediums, when heated in the kitchen, would be used to warm the bodies of those who had worked throughout the day. Plants would be brought in. It would be processed with metals and hand, and after the affairs of the day, the persons and animals who had worked to see the abundance come about would share in the fashioned dishes and goods as well as the warmth from the metals used to make them.

One example would be coffee. As a bean it is roasted and processed to allow for its forming into the beverage that gives one a boost of caffeine in their system. When mixed with chocolate, there is an added element to the arrangement that incorporates a chemical dubbed as theobromine into the caffeinated mixture. Theobromine is a compound that elevates one's disposition in terms of their mood. Coffee stimulates, and chocolate makes you happy. This is one example of a beverage that stimulates and elevates the mood. Different tools are necessary to see this beverage made, and the heat which would be necessary to conduct its manufacture would be of potential use for warmth upon enjoying the mixture.

With the above, I invite you to remember...

Alcohol is for bathing, metals are for warmth, and coffee and chocolate are wonderful plants for enjoying a warmed evening or brightened day!

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