
Sunday, August 27, 2023


“The cornea of the human eye does not possess a blood supply. Therefore, it is a lethal element of the human identity’s anatomy. Considering the philosophy of its structure, there could be other anatomical components of liken capacity. However, in matters of decided finality, blindness and sight reside as the means by which judgment can be had. In this, restoration, gifting, truth, healing, and wisdom reside within the borders of those who have sight and those who do not as well as those who have blindness and those who do not.”

Friday, August 25, 2023

Using a book as a weapon

Read the full book without producing any waste


Keep it from the time you finish


you fall asleep


achieve a state of no waste actuation from the ideas discussed

This is known as reading comprehension.

Reading several times may aid with full comprehension. Repeating the entire text until a perfect read is done with full comprehension is the means by which words become weapons for peace.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Liberty and Surgery

"Homo sapien is lethal via the cornea because it possesses no blood supply."
The Apostles' Creed

To hold to lethal serial laws with blood and blood alone, considering the aforewritten phrase builds the fundamental philosophical basis for how it is that persons interact. Oft times it is spoken that virtue holds above all else, and this is true. The reason, though, is wrought serial articulation from shear scientific giving. Hematological studies impart the above with a knowledge of holism embedded in its form. When one's blood holds to form from one thermodynamic occurrence to the next, the systemic connections that compose its structure are definable by words that list under virtue. The means by which these interpretations are extracted are universal because the persons or entities who interact with one's systemic construction pull, from the imparted dynamics, feelings of warmth that holistically perpetuate the health that is present in the warmth to the fullest degree, due to holism being a measure relevant to the entity that keeps in its form. Though, again, holism is still a principled construct that holds to structure by all who maintain full and complete integrity. Hematological holism, then, in a conceptual framing, holds the body in the light of virtue's perpetual connection via a light-tested, blooded, serial design. No bondage or chain holds one when one's humanity propagates by virtuous principles. The warmth necessary, then, to articulate any element of one's humanity holds to this dynamic as an intrinsic component found across life's spectrum of simplicity and corresponding complexity. Praise be to the Lord God Almighty.

Philosophy in Law

Though it is still some time off, the legal section of the library to come will be served well by including the idea of hematological holism into its works. From a conceptual basis, full and complete blooded serialism aids in understanding how it is that law is to be understood. As a point of summative note, if you were to pull the blood from your body and gift it unto your person once more, through strict holist serial knowledges, would the full integrity of your humanity hold in the transfer? "Yes" dubs one as lawful within a wrought humanist context, and "no" may find one's person in holistic legal study. The above is expounded upon further when the gifted, blooded medicinality is provisioned from time-screening processes built for purposes of strict,  serial identification.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Journey Morale!

Fundamental Philosophical Doctoral Discipline 

The sacredness of life is to be found rooted in this discipline, so that in its observance and study, the different dynamics of life and death’s balance can be understood appropriately and with effective formality. The central theme will be found present in the literary composition, so that as one engages the library, the knowledge of how one is to deal with life and its enumerated dynamics will spell in the way of outlining individual thoughts, notions, patterns of behavior, et cetera that move into the arena of respectful, ethical, lawful, healthful, and above all, knowledgeable living. Amen.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Supplemental Provisioning

Holism is rooted in the condition of potential occurrence being mitigated with holist nutrition via the preparation of the appropriate formula and its gifting to an element of the body, mind, soul, and spirit as lethal medicine.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Fun Fact

The human cornea possesses no blood supply! If you ever needed to investigate to a lethal degree, then, you would consume vegetables and vegetables alone, if you were hungry, as well as discern in such a way that no blood is considered, so as to extract serial, surgical, and lethal truth! If no signal of virtue could be had in eye contact, then the human organism in question would be brain dead. Appropriate formality would then ensue!

A fundamentally philosophical approach would then bring one to a place where any general and serial truth would be discerned with analyzing specific thermodynamic principles layered over the phenomena of cornea construction.

Science, Scholarship, and the Sacredness of life and death! The more you know...the better!

Vitamin Mineral Combinatives

To be used for each of the 42,240 encyclopedia elements as supplementary formulas.

Formula 1, Diced Avocados, Black Beans, Cubed Sweet Potatoes, Cubed Butternut Squash, Mashed Russet Potatoes (Bacon, Cheese, Green Onions), and Sweet Corn








Hazel Nuts





The Body

Black Beans

The Mind


The Soul

Collard Greens

The Spirit


The Nervous System

Sweet Potatoes

The Cardiovascular System


The Respiratory System


The Muscular System

Kidney Beans

The Skeletal System

Mustard Greens

The Integumentary System


The Digestive System


The Excretory System


The Immune System


The Endocrine System


The Reproductive System

Green Beans

Phase One

Butternut Squash

Phase Two

Lima Beans

Phase Three


Phase Four

Brussels Sprouts

Phase Five

Swiss Chard

Phase Six


Phase Seven


Phase Eight


Phase Nine


Phase Ten


Physical Need-Physical Response

Russet Potatoes - Corn

Physical Need-Mental Response

Russet Potatoes - Pinto Beans

Physical Need-Soulful Response

Russet Potatoes -Red Beans

Physical Need-Spiritual Response

Russet Potatoes - Olives

Mental Need-Physical Response

Golden Potatoes - Corn

Mental Need-Mental Response

Golden Potatoes - Pinto Beans

Mental Need-Soulful Response

Golden Potatoes - Red Beans

Mental Need-Spiritual Response

Golden Potatoes - Olives

Soulful Need-Physical Response

Red Potatoes - Corn

Soulful Need-Mental Response

Red Potatoes - Pinto Beans

Soulful Need-Soulful Response

Red Potatoes - Red Beans

Soulful Need-Spiritual Response

Red Potatoes - Olives

Spiritual Need-Physical Response

Okra - Corn

Spiritual Need-Mental Response

Okra - Pinto Beans

Spiritual Need-Soulful Response

Okra - Red Beans

Spiritual Need-Spiritual Response

Okra - Olives