
Friday, April 21, 2023

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Progress with Music

With the instrument you see below, the inevitable connection to standing hematological study will become a practice of literary composition and continued donation. Symbols like the 'Final Khaf' find their placing within the current mathematics text being composed, and in time, the work of this site will inevitably be the link between the Old World and the New.

The Hanno

The symbol you see below represents the number 'one' in the linear mathematics of the upcoming textbook, and it is also the 'final khaf' symbol seen in the Hebrew alphabet. The idea of linear numerics is one meant to develop a system of numbers that emphasize their numeric significance with their visually developed symbolism. Connecting New World mathematics with Old World alphabets will be a key function in translating the serialism that operates as a standing means of connection between standardized linguistic communications and expressions. Translating old languages to numerics will be the window to specific elements within the standing encyclopedia series, so the medicinal formula assigned to the specific element that would be translated from Old World practices would connect the knowledges from Old World medicinal practices to new ones. Recipes like Alcoholic fluids composed of honey, water, and yeast would open a window into new medicinal recipes and formulas.

 The single angle seen on the Hebrew symbol translates to 'one' (1) because of the single linear connection between the two lines. The one angle equates to a value of one. The other symbols of the set develop with liken notions, and in time, with developmental literature, larger scapes of medicinal, legal, and philosophical study will compound the combinative alphanumeric connection between the linear numerics of the ensuing Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics textbook and Old World Languages like Hebrew, Chinese Calligraphy, potentially Arabic and others.

The wrought connection to the encyclopedia series is one that places the whole of the encyclopedia's structure within the frame of 42,240 elements. Given that each element can be assigned a specific numbered value, the linear numerals and their subsequent connection to different Old World languages gifts the capacity to communicate unique conditions within the body with the use of the four aspects of the human identity, the six afflictions, the eleven systems of the body, the ten conceptual phases, and the sixteen dynamics of need and response. The need will be measured with numbers and named the same, and the response will be one composed of fruits, nuts, and vegetables!

The list looks like this,
Nutrient - Food
Vitamin A - Carrots
Vitamin B1 - Black Beans
Vitamin B2 - Avocados
Vitamin B3 - Peanuts
Vitamin B5 - Broccoli
Vitamin B6 - Collard Greens
Vitamin B7 - Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin B9 - Spinach
Vitamin B12 - Blueberries
Vitamin C - Strawberries
Vitamin D - Mushrooms
Vitamin E - Almonds
Vitamin K - Kale
Calcium - Apricots
Phosphorous - Kidney Beans
Potassium - Butternut Squash
Sodium - Salt (Table)
Magnesium - Mustard Greens
Iron - Peas
Zinc - Asparagus
Copper - Artichokes

Cobalt - Cabbages
Manganese - Pecans
Molybdenum - Black-Eyed Peas
Iodine - Cucumbers
Selenium - Hazel Nuts
Sulphur - Cauliflowers
Chloride - Celery
Boron - Peaches
Silicon - Green Beans
Vanadium - Parsley
Nickel - Lettuce

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Fundamental Philosophy Preparatory Text

There is a revised edition of the preparatory text posted. It contains changes throughout the whole of its composition, but the major focus is on the grammar and vocabulary of the medicinal framework seen at its end. In time, the different vitamins and minerals will grow with continued study and research, but for the time being, the list is set within a set of fruits, nuts, and vegetables.


Chemical analysis of different foods will be added with continued research to be had in times to come, but this will have to be done with equipment acquired later on in the nutritional study.

Fundamental Philosophy Preparatory Text